Group Members

Francisco Javier Arias
Dr. F. Javier Arias (1966) studied chemistry at the University of Valladolid (Spain) and carried out his doctoral studies, under the supervision of Prof. T. Girbés, on the Ribosome-Inactivating Proteins (RIPs), toxins present in several plant species. He obtained the PhD degree in Biochemistry in 1993, and for 4 years he worked in the Dr. Benvenuto’s group at the ENEA Research Center in Rome (Italy) as a Marie Curie postdoc fellow, working on the molecular biology and biosynthesis of recombinant antibodies (scFv). He returned to the University of Valladolid as an Assistant Professor in 1998, in 2002 he was appointed Associate Professor and since 2018 he is Full Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Since 2000 his research activities have concentrated on recombinant biopolymer design and synthesis for biomaterials, drug delivery, and functionalized nanoparticles issues.
He is co-author in more than 100 indexed scientific publications (h=33; WOS), Project Coordinator in 12 funded projects about biomaterials, participant in other 31 funded projects, 7 from the European Commission, supervisor of 12 PhD theses and co-author of 15 invention patents. He has recognized 4 six-year periods of research and 1 for technology translation.
He acts as an expert in project evaluation for FIS calls (ISCIII) since 2001, ANEP and AEI (MINECO) since 2008 to date, the Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud and the FONCYT (Ministry of Science of Argentina) in the fields of «Materials for Biomedicine» and «Nanomaterials and Nanotecnology in Medical Diagnostics».
Group Leader. Full Professor. BIO CV
(+34) 983 18-5855
Raquel Muñoz
She is graduated in Biology from the University of León and PhD (1991) in Biochemistry at the University of Valladolid under the supervision of Prof. T. Girbés. She carried out a postdoctoral stage (3 years) with Dr. S. Olsnes in the Institute for Cancer Research-Radium Hospital (Oslo-Norway) working on the cellular signalling mechanisms. Additionally, she spent more than one year as a visiting researcher in the laboratory of Dr. R.S. Kerbel in the Sunnybrook and Women´s College Health Sciences Centre (Toronto-Canada) to study the effect of metronomic anti-angiogenic therapy on the progression of breast cancer.
Between 1988 and 1997, she held an Assistant Professor contract, and in 1997 she obtained an Associate Professor position in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Valladolid.
She is co-author of 54 indexed scientific papers (h = 20), 5 chapter books, and more than 10 invention patents. She has participated as a Collaborating and / or Principal Researcher in 10 Research Projects funded by the corresponding international, national and regional organizations.
Associate Professor
(+34) 983 42-6308

Pilar Jiménez
She is graduated in Biology from the University of León, PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Valladolid and Associate Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology since February 2014, Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valladolid.
She is in possession of 3 six-year research activity periods and 2 teaching periods. Her lines of research are framed in the study of plant proteins and their application in the construction of targeted drugs, immunotoxins and conjugates. She has published 50 papers collected in JCR and has an h index of 16. She has directed 6 doctoral theses and participated in various research projects with public and private funding. She is currently participating in a project of the National Plan directed by Dr. Patricia Morales (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense University of Madrid).
Associate Professor
José Schneider
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Madrid in 1978. MIR of Neurosurgery at the Clinic Hospital of the University of Freiburg, Germany (1978-80). MIR of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Hospital Nacional Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander (1980-84). Adjunct Physician in the same hospital. FEA of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Hospital de Cruces, Bilbao (1987-1988). One-year (1988) postdoctoral stay for training in Molecular Biology of cancer at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg (Germany), and later (1992) at Harvard University, Boston (USA). Since 1989, compatibility of clinical care activity with translational research, full-time. Associate Professor in 1998 and since 2006 Full Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid. Head of Service (2009-2015) of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, and Professor of the University of Cantabria. From 2015 to 2017, Full Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Valladolid and from 2019 to the present.
More than 130 indexed publications concerning research on cancer treatment, h index 26, PI of 7 competitive research projects, 3 of them belonging to the National Plan. Director of 31 Doctoral Theses, all of them with associated indexed publications. 1 patent and 6 six-year research activity periods recognized.
Full Professor

Alessandra Girotti
Graduated in Biological Sciences from the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, she has a post-graduate specialization in Biotechnology at the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, Italy and a PhD in Physics from the University of Valladolid. She has worked for 6 years in ENEA Research Center in Rome (Italy) investigating the induction of the expression of protooncogenes and the genetic engineering of antibodies. She is working since 1999 in the biomedical biomaterials area for regenerative medicine and drug/gene delivery, focusing on the design, synthesis and characterization of stimuli-responsive recombinant polymers.
From 2008 to January 2022 she was Senior Researcher of CIBER Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) of Carlos III Higher Institute of Health (ISCIII); and currently, she is Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Valladolid.
She participated in 47 competitive projects funded both by national and international institutions (7 EC). The results of her research have been presented in oral communications of international congresses and published in more than 40 high impact scientific journals and five book chapters. Her h-index is 21.
She is co-author in 5 invention patents (2 PCT) and was a founding Partner of the SPIN-OFF company: Technical Proteins Nanobiotechnology S.L. (TPNBT:
She supervised more than 20 undergraduate, graduate and Master students and 3 PhD thesis (other 3 are currently in process).
Assistant Professor

Purificación Cuadrado
Degree and PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Valladolid. Her professional career has been fully developed in the Department of Organic Chemistry of said University beginning in 1982 as a FPI Fellow (MEC). Between 1983-1989, she held a full-time Assistant Professor contract and from 1989 she was an Associate Professor until 2020 when she obtained the position of Full Professor in the same department.
She has directed 34 Bachelor / End-of-Degree / End-of-Master thesis and 6 PhD Theses. She currently has 5 five-year teaching and 4 six-year research. As a researcher she has carried out pre and post-doctoral stays at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) where she collaborated with the Prof. Dr. Ian Fleming. The result of this collaboration was her participation in the Spanish-British Integrated Actions program, and the collaboration with the aforementioned university in 4 funded project.
She is co-author of 46 scientific papers (h = 19), published in high impact journals in the field of Organic Chemistry and more of 40 communications to international / national Congresses. She has participated as a Collaborating and / or Principal Researcher in 21 Research Projects funded by the corresponding international, national and regional organizations.
Full Professor